COVID-19 Update

At Hopewell Logistics we are committed to Safety in everything we do.

In this critical global health crisis, the contribution of our distribution centres and logistics operations are more important than ever. Our highest priority is to do our part to help ensure the health and safety of our employees, partners, contractors, and suppliers while meeting our service commitments. We are working diligently to ensure that we continue to meet the supply chain needs of our clients during this challenging time and are continuously adapting our business operations to mitigate potential impacts.


As always, our highest priority is to help ensure the health and safety of our employees. We follow all official recommendations and our COVID-19 workplace safety protocols include measures such as:

  • Pre-entry screening
  • Physical distancing protocols
  • Use of PPE supplies
  • Increased touchpoint cleaning and sanitization throughout all facilities
  • Self-isolation and return to work policies
  • Restrictions on employee travel and visitor access
  • Work from home policies for office-based employees
  • Postponing all non-essential business trainings and events
  • Stress management resources through our Employee and Family Assistance Program
  • Regular employee updates via our site management teams


As this unprecedented situation continues to evolve, we are monitoring its development and impact on our client operations. We have regular planning discussions with any clients impacted by higher or lower than normal demands to continuously allocate resources.  We remain strongly committed to alleviating the potential impact on our clients’ supply chains and to delivering usual levels of service.


To closely observe and manage the Coronavirus outbreak, Hopewell Logistics has established a COVID-19 Task Force led by the group’s executive leadership to ensure that the entire organization is aligned and all stakeholders are informed.

The group’s COVID-19 Task Force:

  • Monitors operations daily and updates all management teams on the evolution of the situation
  • Discusses and approves measures to reflect updated health and safety protocols issued by authorities
  • Is responsible for auditing Hopewell’s pandemic response plan to ensure effectiveness

If you would like to learn more about our COVID-19 response plan, please contact us at


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